Saturday, October 4, 2014

Jane Maddy is 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Jane Madelynn!

It is so hard to believe that Jane Maddy is 2!  It seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital to have her.  So many of you have prayed for her and rejoiced in her victories over the last two years.  We are so thankful for your love and support.  I realize I am not very good at giving updates so I thought I would take this time to give a quick one!
For those of you who don’t know Jane Maddy’s back story, here is a quick summary. 
The day after Jane Maddy was born, the doctor’s told us that she had a life threatening condition.  Most kids with her diagnosis live only 1 week to 1 year.  We should just take her home and love on her. There was nothing they could do.  When we left the hospital with her 2 days old, she had not eaten.  With the help of our wonderful pediatrician, we learned to feed her with a syringe.  He agreed that she had the signs of Edward’s Syndrome. With the test sent off, we were forced to just watch her and wait.  When she was 6 days old, we took her to our church where our pastor and the entire church prayed over her.  The next day we received the unbelievable news that her test was negative.  Since that day, she has continued to baffle the medical world.  She still has all the outward signs of a genetic syndrome. However, the tests all come back negative.  We firmly believe that God healed her and just left some of the outward signs to remind us of His amazing grace. 
Over the past two years, we have watched her grow and develop and amaze her doctors.  They told us she might not ever walk or talk. Now, she runs and never stops talking!!!  She is a little miracle. 
Right now, we are just monitoring her growth. We did get a new diagnosis from the geneticist but it is a syndrome with only like 100 known cases in the world.  Mark has banned me from looking it up and reminds me that at this point it is a guessing game. Even if the geneticist is right, there is a wide spectrum of cases. In other words, no more googling it!  Lol   She has been released by a lot of her other doctors. They simply can’t explain it!   She still has her gtube but if we can keep her weight increasing and make it through the winter without using it, they will remove it in the spring.
A few specific prayer requests include her foot and her speech.  Although she is walking, she has a flat foot and it turns out.  It is possible that by spring they will have to do surgery to help correct it.  Her speech amazes me every day. However at some point, she will probably need speech therapy and possible correction of the cleft palate.  
To be completely honest although things look really good for Jane Maddy right now, I still often times wonder “why?”  “Did I do something wrong? Was it the diet coke? Were the baths I take too hot?”  and on and on. During these 2 years, God has taught me so much.  Just today, I was reading John 9 and the story of Jesus healing the blind man.  It says,
John 9 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
Wow!  God showed me the why?  God chose our family and our little Jane Maddy to disply His mighty works.  I don’t need to ask “Why?” anymore!

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