Monday, March 17, 2014

2013-14 Yearbook: October



A Look at October 2013 - Part 1

October was a BIG month for us so I don't think I will be able to put it all in one post.  With 3 birthdays, a Christ birthday, 3 photo shoots, the TX state fair, the pumpkin patch, an overnight field trip, and more, we really packed in a lot this October.  Here's a start at a look at our October 2013. 

Ok, I wasn't going to include any birthday stuff in the post but these were too cute,  Jane Maddy loves balls!  Unfortunately, the ball pit did not survive very long at our house! But it was fun while it lasted!


The Pumpkin Patch


Probably my favorite part of fall is visiting a pumpkin patch. This fall, we got to go to the one at the Dallas Arboretum with our good friends - Mrs. Diane and Lola.  It was so much fun.  Get ready cause I took  A LOT of pics!

 John Mark showing off!

 Johnna Katherine loves to pose for the camera!

Unfortunately, Jane Madelynn does NOT!

 But I did finally get her to smile!

Jennaleigh wanted a turn too!

 Johnna Katherine again!
Having fun in the pumpkin house!

John Mark loves to take care of the littles!

This bunch thought I was going to push them like this all day!  It didn't happen!

OF course, the water attracted everyone!

Pretty girls!

Love this Pic!  No one fell in!

Julianna -Marie has officially outgrown the stroller

Beautiful girls - inside and out!

She tried so hard for me but the sun was too bright!

Our many attempts at getting a good picture of all 5 looking!

 And I finally give up! 

Jennaleigh continued to pout but Jane Maddy smiled!

John Mark makes it easy on mom!

Luckily, Julianna-Marie was in the right mood too!


Jennaleigh Monroe

AND she finally gave it up and posed for me!

John Mark and Julianna- Marie even went twice!

And then came Johnna Katherine!  She is very bashful!

Lola even wanted in the action!

And finally the tiniest pumpkin of them all - Jane Madelynn!


Ordinary Days in October!

One thing that has been very difficult now that I have 3 kids that I am homeschooling is finding time for just fun stuff.  I feel like we always have something else that has to be done. I am trying to get better at it.  On  this day, the kids made a pumpkin craft!  They had a lot of fun and it didn't take long!  Gotta do more fun stuff!!!


Awana Super Hero Night

Our Awana's Club at church had a Super Heroes dress up night.  My kids had a blast planning their own costumes. I tried to not comment and let them do whatever they liked!

Julianna Marie wanted Elsa hair.  This was not an easy feat!

Johnna Katherine as "Super Sketchers Girl" She makes everyone jump and love Jesus! (and buy sketchers?!)

Jennaleigh Monroe as " Super Indian Girl" ("NO, Mom! Me dora!")  Her super power is being a friend to all God's Creation!

Julianna-Marie as "Super Fancy Girl!" She is able to look into people's hearts and find Jesus!

John Mark as "Black Bible Man" He can blend in with sin and destroy it! BAM!

They had a great night! We love our Awanas leaders! What a great year!


The State Fair of Texas

We almost didn't make it there this year but we finally pulled a trip together along with 1 million other Texans!

Waiting for tickets!

All the kids like to help feed Jane Maddy!

Mark only goes for the food!

 Wish Jane Maddy wasn't blocking her face!

The best part of the fair was atleast four times Mark had to answer a page and I was left alone with the kids.  No lie! eEvery time, someone would walk up to me and give me tons of tickets!!!!  I think they felt sorry for me.  After about the 3rd time, I told Mark to walk by himself.  LOL

 We even ran into cousins. I think it was like their 10th time to the fair this year!

Jane Maddy had a wonderful time at her first State Fair!

We spent a lot of time at this exhibit and even ran into church friends!

The kids also like petting and feeding all the animals.

I loved getting to hold baby girl!


Random Pics!

 The girls got a special pedicure as a birthday surprise!  The ladies at this place love my girls!  

Jane Maddy started mastering a bottle too!  We still were using her gtube quite a bit but it was nice to have her take some by mouth.

She liked to hold her bottle with her feet!

She found my old glasses!

Jr preaching!

Not sure why Julianna Marie was shooting him?

Our beautiful church fountain!

Classical Conversations Field Trip to the UTA Planetarium.  They also provided a really great science demo for the kids!

After the field trip, the kids and I went to Mellow Mushroom! A rare treat because there is not one any where near us!

I think this was the week before Halloween.

Sometimes I have a love hate relationship with my embroidery machine!

OK! This is gross but this month we had a lot of trouble keeping her gtube from getting infected!

 You would never know it though!  She is all smiles now!

 Jane Maddy, Aunt JuJu and I got to go to the Art of Homemaking Conference - all by ourselves!  It was great!!!!



We had a big surprise when the Duggars showed up the next day at our church.  My whole clan wanted to meet them!

I was shocked when Mrs. Duggar remembered meeting Jane Maddy at the conference.  She asked to hold her! She held her for a long while and even started heading to her bus with Jane Maddy!

But in the end, Jane Maddy stayed with us!!!

My kids love to ask what color their tongues are?????

I love this pic!  This was one of my favorite outfits of Jane Maddy!

Believe it or not, I think John Mark did this do!

What a great Big Brother!



We don't really celebrate halloween. However, we do usually go to a pumpkin patch or a fall festival.  This year we didn't get to but Julia let the kids dress up and made them a little treat! There costumes choices really fit their personalities!

Julianna Marie

 Johnna Katherine


 Jane Maddy!

A little something Aunt JuJu whipped together!


 More Random Pics!

Jr asked for this journal for weeks!

 Matchy Matchy!

 This hand brace did not last long.  She took it off every night.  


A Very Special Birthday Celebration

On 10-10-11, John Mark prayed and received Christ as his personal Savior!  Each year, we celebrate his Christ Birthday!!!

 Cousin and Cookies!

 Aunt JuJu bought cookies for everyone to decorate!

Oh yes! October was when she discovered the stairs!

 And finally, a sweet note from Jr to his sister.  I am saving this as a reminder!

Oh wait.... there was the Target trip and the backwards leotard!

 And that wraps up our October..... Oh wait I still have 3 birthdays, 2 photoshoots, and a field trip to post!!! Stay Tuned!

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